Frequently Asked Questions About Podiatry Treatments in West Plano, TX
Do you have same-day appointments in West Plano?
We pride ourselves on offering same-day consultations to address our patient’s foot and ankle pain quickly. Please submit an appointment request online or call our office at 972-943-3323 to speak with a team member. We will do our best to meet your scheduling needs!
What laser therapies do you offer?
Our practice utilizes advanced laser therapies for effective pain management and treatment of toenail fungus. These non-invasive options promote healing and recovery while minimizing discomfort.
What is EPAT therapy?
EPAT (Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Technology) is a revolutionary non-invasive treatment designed to stimulate healing in chronic conditions. We use this innovative therapy to enhance blood flow and reduce pain, making it an excellent option for patients with ankle injuries, foot injuries, or foot pain.
Do you provide boutique services for foot care?
We offer a comprehensive range of foot care services that not only restore health and function but also enhance the cosmetic appearance of your feet, including innovative treatments like Leneva® for fat pad restoration and KeryFlex™ toenail restoration, along with safe, medical-grade pedicures performed by certified professionals.
Can you treat Spanish-speaking patients?
We believe that language should never be a barrier to accessing foot or ankle care. Our goal is to provide services to everyone in the West Plano area. Our team includes skilled bilingual professionals, such as Dr. Arroyo, who are equipped to address both your medical requirements and offer excellent customer service.