Frequently Asked Questions About Podiatry Treatments in Allen, TX
Does StrideCare Podiatry Allen accept insurance for podiatry services?
Yes! Most major insurance plans are accepted. You can call your insurance provider for information specific to your plan or you can call 972-396-9101 StrideCare Podiatry Allen to confirm your insurance.
How can I schedule a podiatry appointment in Allen?
StrideCare Podiatry in Allen is accepting new patients and we have many same-day and next-day appointments available! You can call 972-396-9101 to speak with a team member to book your appointment, or you can fill out this form to schedule an appointment and we will reach out to you and call you back!
Can I get same-day appointments for urgent foot or ankle pain?
If you believe you are experiencing an emergency, please dial 911 or go to your nearest emergency room. If you are looking for non-emergent urgent care, StrideCare Podiatry Allen can help. We offer same-day and next-day appointments.
Do you sell custom orthotics?
Yes! We understand the challenges in finding the right footwear for our specific situation. That’s why we offer assistance and guidance in choosing the right orthotic and/or diabetic footwear. Our fitting team is ready to help!