Why Do My Legs Feel Heavy?
The most common symptoms of vein disease include visibly swollen veins on the legs and feet. In addition to the visual signs, varicose veins can cause less visible symptoms, including a burning sensation, leg cramps, leg pain, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs.
Patients experiencing leg heaviness due to vein disease often describe it as a persistent and uncomfortable sensation, as if their legs are burdened or weighed down. This feeling is often compared to the sensation of wearing ankle weights. It can be more pronounced after prolonged periods of sitting or standing, leading to a general sense of fatigue or sluggishness in the lower limbs. Terms like “achy” or “tired” are commonly used to describe this discomfort.
For those who are experiencing heavy legs or any related symptoms, StrideCare encourages patients to consult a StrideCare vein specialist. With over 20 convenient locations across Texas, StrideCare makes accessing comprehensive vein care convenient and straightforward.
Why Do My Legs Feel Heavy?

What Causes Heavy Legs?

What Causes Heavy Legs?
Leg heaviness often stems from inadequate circulation. Consequently, a day spent on your feet may result in the sensation of heavy legs. This condition is known as venous insufficiency, and early intervention is crucial to prevent the progression and worsening of symptoms.
With vein disease, blood may pool in your lower extremities for an extended duration, adding to the sensation of heaviness in your legs. If left untreated, venous insufficiency may lead to leg pain, itchy legs, swelling (edema), cramps, skin discoloration, skin ulcers, and varicose vein development. Furthermore, the risks extend to potentially life-threatening complications such as blood clots. Promptly addressing venous insufficiency and other vein-related issues is critical for maintaining vascular health.
Improving circulation is key when it comes to reducing or eliminating the sensation of heavy legs. Simple lifestyle changes like staying active and elevating your legs can help blood flow back to your heart and reduce symptoms. Some doctors may also recommend compression stockings. These stockings apply pressure on the legs, improving blood circulation and reducing symptoms associated with vein issues, such as swelling, discomfort, fatigue, and heaviness.
While lifestyle changes and compression stockings can alleviate symptoms of vein disease temporarily, the most definitive course of treatment begins with scheduling a vein consultation. A comprehensive vein screening allows for a thorough assessment of your vascular health, and numerous treatment options are available, many of which are quick and painless. This proactive step ensures a tailored approach to address your vein issues and promote overall vascular well-being.
What are the Other Symptoms of Venous or Arterial Disease?

A feeling of heaviness or fatigue

Skin discoloration


Leg cramping

Swollen legs or ankles

Relief from pain when legs are elevated

Burning veins in legs

Slow healing wound
What Treatments are Available for Leg Heaviness?
There are Many Treatments for Leg Heaviness Available at StrideCare Including:

Diagnostic Venous Ultrasound
A non-invasive test that uses ultrasound technology to get a full view of the circulatory system.

Radiofrequency Ablation
A small catheter emits radio waves into affected veins, cutting off blood flow.

Varithena™ Microfoam Ablation
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