Does Leg Pain Make You Lose Sleep?

Angioplasty in Sugar Land, TX

4 Min ReadIf pins and needles or other leg pain at night, you may have restless leg syndrome. How do you know? When to seek treatment? Read this.

When Should I Worry About My Leg Rash?

Angiography in Dallas, TX

4 Min ReadA leg rash or lower leg redness, such as many tiny red bumps patches, not improving or with other symptoms, may be a vein or vascular issue.

Can May-Thurner Syndrome Be Cured?

Sclerotherapy in Sugar Land, TX

4 Min ReadMost people have never heard of May-Thurner Syndrome, also called iliac vein compression syndrome. Is there a cure? Read more…

Top 6 Foods to Improve Vein Health

A smiling girl is sitting and eating food

4 Min ReadDiscover how diet influences vein health, reducing risks of varicose veins, spider veins, and more serious venous diseases.