How To Recognize Vein Disease in An Aging Parent

4 Min ReadUnderstanding vein disease and recognizing these subtle warnings can help to know if your aging parent is showing signs of vein disease.
Treating PAD to Prevent Leg Amputation

4 Min ReadPrevent leg amputation with limb salvage: If you were told you need leg amputation, seek a 2nd option with StrideCare’s specialists.
How Maria Found Relief from the Best Varicose Vein Doctors

3 Min ReadSearching for the best varicose vein doctors? Maria was suffering from leg heaviness, tiredness, and bulging veins for years.
New Vascular Physician Dr. Tammam Obeid Joins StrideCare’s North Texas Clinic

2 Min ReadStrideCare a leader in the minimally invasive treatment of vein disease, is pleased to welcome Tammam Obeid, MD to the North Texas practice.
Does Leg Pain Make You Lose Sleep?

4 Min ReadIf pins and needles or other leg pain at night, you may have restless leg syndrome. How do you know? When to seek treatment? Read this.
When Should I Worry About My Leg Rash?

4 Min ReadA leg rash or lower leg redness, such as many tiny red bumps patches, not improving or with other symptoms, may be a vein or vascular issue.
Stages of Vein Disease: When to Take Action

3 Min ReadLearn the early signs of vein disease and when to seek help to prevent serious complications like varicose veins, leg ulcers, and clots.
South Texas Vein Doctors Solve Woman’s Chronic Vein Disease

6 Min ReadSouth Texas vein doctors treat Vicki, misdiagnosed, and not properly treated for years. Finally, debilitating chronic vein disease resolved!
3 Ways to Treat Varicose Veins Without Surgery

4 Min ReadUnsightly and painful varicose veins can be treated without the need for invasive surgery. If you want to treat varicose veins, read this.
Diabetic Leg Pain? It May Be a Sign of Venous Insufficiency

3 Min ReadIf you are suffering from diabetic leg pain, it could be a precursor to venous insufficiency. See a vascular specialist to learn more.
Can May-Thurner Syndrome Be Cured?

4 Min ReadMost people have never heard of May-Thurner Syndrome, also called iliac vein compression syndrome. Is there a cure? Read more…
Top 6 Foods to Improve Vein Health

4 Min ReadDiscover how diet influences vein health, reducing risks of varicose veins, spider veins, and more serious venous diseases.
North Texas Vein Doctors Help Man with Venous Disease

3 Min ReadNorth Texas vein doctors help man with varicose veins and a leg ulcer. His legs felt heavy and tired. He didn’t like how his legs looked.
Why Am I Losing Leg Hair? It May Be an Arterial Issue

4 Min ReadIf you notice that you’re losing leg hair, it may be a sign of peripheral arterial disease (PAD). Ignoring PAD can lead to worse problems. Read more here…
Top 5 Ways to Reduce Vein Disease If You Work Retail

3 Min ReadProlonged standing may lead to vein disease. If you work retail, you may have no choice however here are 5 tips to reduce your risks.
StrideCare Welcomes New Physician to North Texas Practice

2 Min ReadStrideCare, a leader in the minimally invasive treatment of vein disease, is proud to announce the addition of Dr. Osama Abdul-Rahim to the North Texas practice.
Do Varicose Veins Hurt? It Could Be a Sign of Something More Serious

3 Min ReadVaricose veins can hurt, and it is your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. Without proper treatment, varicose veins may worsen.
Is There a Link Between Veterans and Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD)?

3 Min ReadIs there a link between Veterans and Peripheral Arterial Disease? Yes, military veterans are more susceptible to PAD. Read more.
Varicose Veins Treatment: Is There an Age Limit?

3 Min ReadVaricose veins are more common in women and older adults. Thankfully, there is no age cap for varicose veins treatment. Know your options.
Spider and Varicose Veins: More Common in Women?

3 Min ReadIf you are a woman with spider or varicose veins, you are not alone. Twice as many women as men have varicose veins. Reduce your risks!