Debunking 7 Common Myths and Misconceptions About Foot Surgery

5 Min ReadIf your foot health has become a major issue in your life, there may come a day in the not-so-distant future when your podiatrist will recommend foot surgery. After all, many podiatrists opt for various surgical techniques to provide patients with long-term relief from conditions ranging from bunions and chronic plantar fasciitis to neuromas, fractures, […]
Understanding the Emotional Toll of Varicose Veins

5 Min ReadIt can be difficult to be satisfied with the appearance of your legs when you have varicose veins. Friends and family might say not to worry and that is not noticeable. But all you see when you wear shorts, a skirt, a bathing suit, or any other garment that shows off a little skin is […]
The Connection Between Vein Disease and Venous Leg Ulcers

5 Min ReadWhen you or a loved one are experiencing an open leg sore or wound, causing considerable pain and not healing as expected, it can quickly interrupt enjoying life fully. The good news is that a solution is possible, and help is close by. In such situations, achieving effective treatment for these open, swollen, red sores […]
StrideCare Announces Expansion in Central Texas with New Leander Vein Clinic

2 Min ReadLEANDER, TEXAS (April 2024): The largest multispecialty medical network in Texas, StrideCare, has announced the launch of a new, state-of-the-art medical vascular and vein clinic in Leander, Texas. The new location will enable StrideCare specialists to support the growing demand for minimally invasive vein treatments in Williamson County, Texas. New Leander Vein Clinic Located at […]
10 Tips for Happy and Healthy Feet: National Foot Health Awareness Month

5 Min ReadWith 26 bones, 33 joints, and over a hundred muscles, tendons, and ligaments, our feet are the foundation for the rest of our body. Think about it: They allow us to bear an incredible amount of weight (1.5 times a person’s body weight with every step), transmit force, and perform everyday tasks we usually take […]
How To Take Care of Your Leg Swelling at Home

6 Min ReadLeg swelling can occur due to several conditions, diseases, and outside influences. A few examples include bug bites, allergic reactions, medication, injury, or standing for too long. And while this phenomenon can happen any time, it’s increasingly common as you age. In fact, more than 4 million people annually in the United States complain of […]
How Does My Diet Impact My Foot Health?

5 Min ReadIf you’ve been scheduling routine visits with your podiatrist and have been following their recommended treatment plans to a T, your foot health is obviously important to you. As a result, you’re finally experiencing the results that have alluded you for all these years. Congratulations! But don’t stop here. While your podiatrist will always be […]
Knee Replacement Surgery: Exploring Non-Surgical Alternatives

6 Min ReadJason’s knee has bothered him for decades. It all started with a football injury in high school that seemingly took forever to heal. But even after those issues were resolved, and he returned to his active lifestyle, the constant wear and tear over the past 30 years has led to the type of chronic pain, […]
Are My Foot Problems Vascular-Related?

5 Min ReadNancy* knows to schedule an appointment with her local podiatrist whenever she experiences foot problems. After all, podiatry focuses on matters of the feet, toes, and ankles. But lately, Nancy has been suffering from slow-healing sores on one of her ankles and ongoing feet swelling. And this is all unbeknownst to her podiatrist since she […]
Guidelines for Exercising With Varicose Veins

5 Min ReadFitness solutions for people with varicose veins can improve blood circulation throughout the body, helping veins that are currently struggling to push blood do so more efficiently. Read these tips…
Vein Procedure Prep: How to Prepare for Treatment

4 Min ReadEveryone wants to know what to expect before, during, and after a vein procedure. Here are a few tips to help you prepare.
Caregiver Tips for Family with Vein Disease

4 Min ReadWith November’s National Family Caregivers Month, we want to shed light on vein disease and provide tips to help caregivers stay in the know.
American Diabetes Month: Who Is At Risk for Diabetic Vascular Disease?

5 Min ReadAre you living with diabetes? If you are, then you’re already acutely aware of the many health challenges you might struggle with daily that other people don’t have to consider. This includes common issues such as excessive weight loss, fatigue, elevated blood sugar, having to go to the bathroom often, blurry vision, and increased hunger […]
Can I Prevent Varicose Veins During Pregnancy?

4 Min ReadWomen are more susceptible to varicose veins in pregnancy. While you can’t prevent them, there are steps you can take to lessen your risk.
Banishing Varicose Veins Has Never Been Easier

4 Min ReadIf you have varicose veins, our team of experts offer a therapies to resolve your vein issues so you can enjoy flawless legs in no time.
Yes, Spider Veins Can Occur in Your 20s and 30s

5 Min ReadExperiencing spider veins in your 20s and 30s is common. Here’s what you can do to reduce your risk and easy, fast treatment options.
Can Knee Osteoarthritis Be Prevented?

5 Min ReadPreventing knee osteoarthritis may not be possible. But, you may decrease your risk, delay development, and manage symptoms with these tips.
5 Ways To Treat Your Peripheral Artery Disease

4 Min ReadPeripheral artery disease is a serious condition, but it is highly treatable if you catch it early and follow these lifestyle changes.
What Jobs Are Safe for Patients with Vein Disease?

6 Min ReadSeveral factors contribute to vein disease progressing, including your job. Here are a few jobs that are safe for patients with vein disease.
5 Overlooked Symptoms of Vein Disease

5 Min ReadThere are overlooked, hidden, or lesser-known vein disease symptoms that people don’t realize. Here’s 5 you may be overlooking right now.