Vascular Doctor Spotlight: Mina Tawfik, MD

5 Min ReadMeet Mina Tawfik, MD: Learn about his passion as a vascular doctor, changing lives through minimally invasive techniques, and his philosophy.
Why Do I Feel Numbness in Feet and Legs?

4 Min ReadLong-term numbness in feet and legs can be a significant issue—from injury, poor posture, lower back issues, diabetes, or PAD.
Specialist Mina Tawfik, MD Joins Stridecare at Arlington Vein Clinic

3 Min ReadStrideCare, a leader in minimally invasive treatment of vein disease, welcomes Dr. Mina Tawfik to the Arlington vein clinic.
Why Do I Have Tired, Chronic Heavy Legs and What Can Help?

4 Min ReadDon’t ignore tired, heavy legs. Here’s how poor blood circulation can leave your legs feeling tired, weighed down, and what to do about it.
Are My Leg Veins Affected by Drinking Alcohol?

5 Min ReadAlcohol doesn’t cause vein disease. But here’s why it’s best for people predisposed to vein disease or have painful leg veins to avoid alcohol.
Diabetic Vascular Disease a Focus of National Diabetes Month

5 Min ReadNational Diabetes Month is the perfect opportunity to learn about diabetic vascular disease, its impact on your quality of life, and how to manage it.
How to Recognize and Reduce Edema (Water Retention)

5 Min ReadA sign of water retention, edema can lead to more serous life-long disruptions. Here’s what you can do if your leg swelling is persistent.
Why Healthy Veins Aren’t a Priority but Should Be

5 Min ReadLife is great when you have healthy veins, but everyone needs to be aware of the warning signs of vein disease. Here’s 6 tips to help.
StrideCare Welcomes Dallas Podiatry Works Podiatrist to Multi-Specialty Network

3 Min ReadStrideCare is proud to welcome the addition of Dr. Sonia Simon, DPM of Dallas Podiatry Works to their network.
Can Wearing Compression Socks Be Harmful? True or False

5 Min ReadCompression socks can be beneficial in combatting vein disease. We measure patients accurately and guide you how to use them correctly.
PAD Awareness Month Sheds Light on Peripheral Artery Disease

4 Min ReadPeripheral artery disease is a serious condition but highly treatable if you know the warning signs. Here’s how PAD Awareness Month can help.
North Texas Foot & Ankle Podiatrist Joins StrideCare Multi-Specialty Network

2 Min ReadStrideCare is proud to welcome Dr. Steven Schmitz, DPM of North Texas Foot & Ankle to their network.
How Can a Venous Ultrasound Diagnose Poor Leg Circulation?

5 Min ReadVenous ultrasound is a quick and non-invasive way to diagnose poor leg circulation, vein disease, and avoid future complications. Here’s how it works.
Are My Varicose Veins Dangerous?

4 Min ReadVaricose veins aren’t typically a serious medical condition. But they can become problematic or dangerous if left untreated. Here’s how.
Peripheral Vascular Disease: Is Balloon Angioplasty Right for Me?

4 Min ReadIf concerns about surgery to treat your peripheral vascular disease, minimally invasive treatments such as balloon angioplasty can help.
6 Jobs That Can Contribute to Varicose Vein Symptoms

5 Min ReadSeveral factors can increase the likelihood of varicose vein symptoms. However, many underestimate the role their job plays. Here’s 6 examples.
6 Tips to Overcome Vein Treatment Anxiety

5 Min ReadVein treatment anxiety is very common. If you’ve been avoiding a procedure, these tips can ease your fears and make the process easier.
Why Do My Painful Legs Hurt More During the Summer Months?

4 Min ReadPainful legs can be more cumbersome during the summer, which may be disconcerting for patients with vein disease. Here’s why and tips to help.
The Benefits to Elevating Legs is Real! Here Are a Few You May Not Know

5 Min ReadElevating legs has several benefits to be mindful of, especially if you suffer from symptoms such as leg and feet swelling. Here’s how.
Vein Problems Are a National Concern for Women Just Like You

4 Min ReadTo honor National Women’s Health Week, this article discusses why vein problems are more prevalent in women and what you can do about it.